The Psychedelic Tourist
Modern What?
Last night was a visual feast, an audio delight, an emotional rollercoaster! I was privileged enough to have a partner who wanted to see LaLaLa Human Steps and I conceded, bought tickets, and... was amazed. How can this show be described? It's been characterized as modern ballet, but I think it's hard to compare this to any ballet, even considering that the movements are from ballet. That's about all the resemblance. I'll leave the real critics to review it, if you want to read some, go here.
What did I feel? It was emotional for me, for sure. It was hard to clearly see what was happening on stage as my eyes were welling up with tears for much of the performance. The tears come for me usually with music that seems to resonate with me emotionally and the music for Amelia, as this performance is named, definitely fit that bill. It was a combination of violin, cello, and piano for most of it, with a middle section of electronic ambient. The sound of the violin tugs at me and hence the emotional up-welling. The ambient section was infinitely appropriate for the movement on stage. The dancing is impossible to interpret, indeed Edouard Lock refuses to provide any interpretation himself. You are just supposed to watch, revelations will follow, unless you try to interpret. It's the kind of thing where you are simply meant to observe and associate with at random.
Myself, I associated the dance with transformation, with an individuals desire and steps towards becoming unique, towards achieving their personal voice, whatever that may be. It gave me a sense of power towards my own development/transformation. In watching the dancers, I thought about what it means to create something unique, something that expresses oneself. Both the performance intoned that feeling and also the fact that I was watching physical human beings who had taken the steps to allow themselves to express their own talent through a medium as unique as dance. There are many avenues of expression available in the world. Although not all may be common, all are possible, all are valid. Self expression only has to be validated as far as allowing the individual the freedom to become their own being. It doesn't matter what that is, only that the steps are taken.
Me.. well, I'm still developing my voice, I'm still trying to figure out how to express myself, but inside there is a burning core that wants out! I just need to shake off decades of social conditioning designed to keep us all towing someone else's line.