The Psychedelic Tourist
Never explain -- your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.
Elbert Hubbard (1865-1915)
My friends are a source of joy. Their support overwhelms me with joy and I feel privileged to have the friends that I do. I often get drawn into myself, my own thoughts, my own world of mind. So much so that sometimes I feel lost and often alone. Yet, I still manage to have friends which see above my shortcomings, who accept the person I am, and come willingly to share adventures with me. It is to them that I owe much. Without the knowledge, in my heart, that there are those around me who (although they know not the direction we are headed) stand by my side, it would be near impossible to continue. It's difficult to see myself where I am heading, but I have around me a shield of trust. It enables me, it protects me, it keeps me strong.
To my friends, I owe all.