The Psychedelic Tourist
Fear and Laziness...
I've heard these two words a lot lately. Must be due to New Year's and the whole resolution thing. What are we capable of? Apparently a lot if we don't allow fear and laziness to interfere with our well-laid plans. It's fear and laziness that derails our vision of ourselves from becoming the reality that we live. Is this true? Am I truly lazy? What am I afraid of?
So in another vein, I also came across this in my random travels through the written word. If money wasn't an object, what would you do with yourself? Would you be living the same life you are living now? If not, why then accept the life that you currently have? Is it because money is lacking or are you too afraid and/or too lazy to chase the dream.
I think it's true that money (or rather lack of) is an impediment to the dream I aspire to, but on the other hand, if I really look at it, I'm not achieving what I want with my life mostly because of fear and/or laziness. Money is the problem keeping me from doing it right now, but that is actually an excuse to tell myself, "I cannot begin now, not until...." Until what? In truth, I'm too lazy to push myself harder, spend some time on my dreams. I think about them an awful lot, but I don't seem to be doing much of what I want, what I dream to do. Or is it fear? I'm scared of failure, of not being good enough, of not being successful. I'm just too lazy to fight the feelings of inadequacy.
I've got a lot of life left to live. But if I'm not actively pursuing what I want, then I'm just breathing, metabolizing, consuming precious resources for nothing. There's a line in a movie somewhere, goes something like this, "You either get busy living, or get busy dying." It's time to live, that means being proactive. A little bit, everyday can get me a long way along the path of my desires, just begin the movement something right now! (Note: Does this sound like a Nike ad?)